E-commerce Terms & Conditions
These are the abridged Ecommerce Terms and Conditions of UDA JP Centre, which may be updated from time to time by notification in writing. Where a Quotation is executed by UDA JP Centre and the Client, the Quotation together with these Conditions (together “the Agreement”) will constitute a contract between the parties. Where there is any manifest inconsistency between the provisions of these Conditions and the Quotation, the provisions of the Quotation will apply. The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall apply as between the parties in respect of the matters described in the Quotation to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions (including any terms and conditions that the Client purports to apply). Each Agreement entered into between the parties constitutes a separate distinct contract.
1. Acceptance of Terms
Please read these Terms and Conditions before (“Signing up”) on the Quotation. By (“Signing up”) you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the supply of all Services offered by UDA JP Centre PTE LTD and/or its associates, related parties, successors and assigns (collectively referred to as “UDA JP Centre”) to any persons (hereinafter referred to as “Client”, “you” or “your”) shall be governed by the Terms and Conditions set herein.
2.Ambiguity and Managing Conflict
In terms of Custom Programming (or Software Development), each party understands that it is impossible to describe in full the functional requirement of each module. As such, each party has participated fully in the review and the final contract represents the best understanding of the Client’s requirements.
The contract is construed in a commercially reasonable manner, and the working hours and fees quoted for each module represent the complexity in terms of the functional requirements to be delivered. If there are any particular modules or functional requirements, which are of high importance to the client, these would have been highlighted and details will be included in this contract.
In view of conflicts (in terms of functional requirement of each module) arising after the endorsement of this contract, the onus is on UDA JP Centre to either provide a separate contract with details of agreed functional requirements or deliver a reasonable and industry acceptable standard for the module in conflict.
The Client acknowledges that all changes or addition of project requirements will result in revisions to the timeline and cost of the project.
3.Payment Terms
Detailed information regarding our payment terms can be found in the quotation that we will provide to all our clients.
One of our core values lies in maintaining the highest level of integrity with our employees and clients. You can rest assure that UDA JP Centre will continue to support your project until it has been completed, even when full payment has been made. We value your trust in us.
4.Copyrights and Trademarks
UDA JP Centre operates under a paradigm of mutual trust and accountability.
UDA JP Centre only uses valid and original material in all design works. The Client may request for the originals of visual elements used as proof of validity.
The Client guarantees that they have rightful permission to use all text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks and other artworks sent to UDA JP Centre for the purpose of inclusion in web pages or other collaterals. The Client agrees to indemnify UDA JP Centre from any claim or suit arising from these elements supplied by the Client.
Ownership of assembled works will be transferred to the Client upon full payment of fees. UDA JP Centre retains the right to showcase these elements in part, or in full as part of its portfolio.
5.Work Schedule and Completion Date
The UDA JP Centre system emphasizes efficiency through clear communication.
UDA JP Centre will work expediently towards completing the project and specifications within a reasonable timeline. However, at its option, UDA JP Centre may extend the due date by a period not exceeding 21 days by submitting written notice to the Client.
In the event that the Client has a specific deadline to meet, this deadline will be written into the quotation specifications and additional loading fees will apply.
Successful completion of the website requires cooperation from the Client, as we require information, contents, and approval at various stages of the development work. During any stage, if we are unable to get a response or support from the Client, we will send out a Weekly Reminder. The project will be put permanently on hold once we have sent out 3 reminders, and UDA JP Centre will have the right to reallocate resources when the Client is ready to restart the project. UDA JP Centre also reserves the right to send out any invoices for work completed but put permanently on hold due to the Client’s non-support.
6. Changes in Project Specifications
Should the Client desire to amend specifications after both parties have accepted the quotation, the Client is required to submit a written request detailing the desired changes.
UDA JP Centre will review and submit a written response to the request within 5 working days.
The Client acknowledges that all changes from the quotation terms, including but not limited to additions and alterations to layout, design, text and content will result in revisions to the timeline and cost of the project.
7.User Acceptance Testing
Upon completion of programming, UDA JP Centre will provide the Client with a demo site URL for the client to carry out User Acceptance Testing before the final upload of the website to the Client’s domain
UDA JP Centre is not liable for any failure or delay resulting from physical impediments, or national or industry-wide changes to business policies beyond the control of UDA JP Centre.
8.Returns, Exchanges and Refunds
UDA JP Centre recognizes that all businesses are unique and operate differently. As such, business practices are different both across and within industries. The page for returns, exchanges and refunds provided by UDA JP Centre is a template and will be used if the Client does not indicate otherwise.
If the Client has specific policies to implement with regards to returns, exchanges and refunds, the Client will have to provide the necessary as UDA JP Centre will not be crafting such policies from scratch.
9.Payment Gateways
Depending on the project requirements, 3rd party payment gateways may be involved in building an Ecommerce website or application.
Any unforeseen limitations of such 3rd party payment gateways are beyond the control of UDA JP Centre. UDA JP Centre will not be held responsible for any downtime of payment gateways.
10.Payment Gateways
Depending on the project requirements, 3rd party payment gateways may be involved in building an Ecommerce website or application.
In no event shall UDA JP Centre be held responsible for any damages, including but not limited to loss of revenue or profit in any way arising out of services performed by UDA JP Centre.
UDA JP Centre is not liable for any failure or delay resulting from physical impediments, national or industry-wide changes to business policies beyond the control of UDA JP Centre.
11.Termination of Agreement
Notice of cancellation from the Client is required to be delivered in writing.
There is a minimum cancellation fee equivalent to 20% of the total contract price should the Client opt to cancel the project after signing of the contract. This takes into consideration the resources set aside by UDA JP Centre as well as Administrative Work done, including Website Questionnaire and Invoice.
UDA JP Centre reserves the right to bill pro rata for work completed through the date of cancellation:
$500 daily for design work.
$500 daily for technical work.
$500 daily for other services, including but not limited to copywriting and marketing.
©2023 by UDA JP Centre Pte Ltd.